5 Unexpected Joys of Sobriety 

5 Unexpected Joys of Sobriety 

For years, before I was able to maintain my sobriety, I would write lists to myself about the benefits of it. They’d always be something like this:    Health (no injuries, bad teeth, liver disease, hangovers etc.)   Good grades No shame/embarrassment (puking on...
anger mismanagement

anger mismanagement

“I feel it’s my anger that has helped keep me alive”   – Audre Lorde, Sister Love: The Letters of Audre Lorde & Pat Parker    The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Every movie, book, and TV show featuring an AA meeting has told me that....
in god we trust. all others pay cash.

in god we trust. all others pay cash.

I screwed up again. Monday is my umpteenth ‘first day sober’ (it would’ve been Sunday, but mom put a shot of vodka in my orange juice to “help with my hangover.”) We’re going to visit her hometown for a week. From experience, I can tell you that small town North...